Tag Archives: Nature art

Nature of Art For Kids & Earth Day

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, author Spramani Elaun

Nature of Art For Kids & Earth Day

By Spramani Elaun

I started this business based on Earth Day.

Our classes and art products are all earth-friendly.

Read all about out business and why we celebrate Earth Day every year with kids!

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, recycled crayons

Here are some earth-friendly facts about our business:

1. I teach kids how to be creative in the most natural way.

2. I teach parents how to buy safe non-toxic earth-friendly art supplies.

recycled crayons, www.colourblocks.com

3. My family recycles square block crayons out of old loved crayons and makes new beautiful Colour Blocks www.ColourBlocks.com, first sustainable crayon company that funds free art for kids all over the West Coast.

4. My company created the very first non-toxic acrylic 3 primary paint for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, paints

5. I teach earth-friendly art classes all over the West Coast.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, teach

6. I sell on my website the most highest quality non-toxic art supplies just for kids at www.EcoKidsArt.com

7. I’m the author of the first natural art method for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, books teach

books teach Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids

8. I blog about earth-friendly art weekly at www.EcoKidsArt.com


When you buy and take our classes you are being earth-friendly and helping us educate the World!

Nature of Art For Kids is commented 100% to sustainability in the arts for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids

Happy Earth Day, Everyday!

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, preschool


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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher and author of several art education books for children. Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons for thousands of children. She is founder of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School, an Earth-friendly non-toxic paint manufacturer, and founder of Colour Blocks™–the original square block recycled crayon company—and Art Kids Zone venues across the West Coast.

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book with advice

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally

Paperback $29.00

ebook PDF $15.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books and author

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book how to

New Book! Kids Painting

Paperback $25.00

ebook Kindle $9.99

ebook PDF $9.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

New Book! Clay Play

ebook Kindle $2.99

ebook PDF $2.99

Paperback $24.99

African Mask Craft Project| Kids

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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, where you can shop for online products

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies
