Tag Archives: Author Spramani Elaun

Book News | Spramani Elaun author Hosting Kids Painting Events |San Diego Teacher

Book News Spramani Elaun author hosting kids painting activities |San DiegoBook News: Spramani Elaun author hosting art around the community, plus signing new books.


Book News Spramani Elaun author hosting kids painting activities |San Diego

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Book Signing at Nature of Art For Kids® Kids Activity Booth

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

San Diego CA

Family Art Area

Meet Author of Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally

Everyone is invited to this two-day event of art activities for the whole family.
Spramani Elaun,
Author of Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally©
Visual art method for young children.
Spramani Elaun is an author, instructor, and creative director for Nature of Art For Kids®. She sees children and adolescents and provides nurturing art lessons and art therapy. Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons to thousands of children and host kid art events and venues across the West Coast. Elaun’s book gives parents understanding how children develop art skills, exciting links to visual perception and a 7 principle age recommendation guide in her new book. Elaun explains the science behind how a child’s brain develops art skills through adolescents.
Featured speaker and vendor: the world’s largest international gathering of Montessorians in Portland, Oregon 2013, West Coast largest Home School Association Conference 2014 HSC, California Home School Network Conference Speaker 2013 CHN, AMS Montessori Dallas 2014 Annual Conference.Spramani Elaun is an active member of the San Marcos Art Council
Locations of book signings and kids art events:

2015 – 2016

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA, AMS Annual, Conference March 12 – 15th, Book sales, signing


Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, University of Southern California book sales, signing, April 9 – 10th


Los Angeles, Torrance Marriott, CHN California Homeschool Network Family Expo, Workshops, Book signing, Speaking, Book Sales, June



San Jose, DoubleTree, HSC Homeschool association of California Conference, August,

Workshops, Book Signing, Speaking, Book Sales


San Diego, Nature Fest – World Beat Culture Center, June

Hosting painting, Book Sales, Book Signing


Los Angeles City Club, Guest Speaker, Book Sales, Book Signing, July 15th


Cardiff Surf Classic & Green Expo, October 10th, 11th, Hosting Kids Zone, Painting, Books Sales, Book Signing, June 10th – 11th


HARVEST FESTIVAL ORIGINAL ART, CRAFT SHOW, KIDS ZONE SPONSOR will be at these locations this year! Bring us your old broken crayons to the Harvest Festival. 2015, Hosting kids painting activities, art supply sales, Book Sales, Book Signing

 Del Mar, CA October 23-25

San Mateo, CA November 13-15

Sacramento, CA November 20-22

San Jose, CA November 27-29

San Francisco – Burlingame Street Festival, Sponsoring Kids Painting Zone, Book Sales, Book Signing, Augutst 15th, 16th

Westminster Salt Lake City, Utah, UMC Annual Conference Montessori, Speaker, Book Sales, Book Signing

