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Nature of Art For Kids & Earth Day

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, author Spramani Elaun

Nature of Art For Kids & Earth Day

By Spramani Elaun

I started this business based on Earth Day.

Our classes and art products are all earth-friendly.

Read all about out business and why we celebrate Earth Day every year with kids!

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, recycled crayons

Here are some earth-friendly facts about our business:

1. I teach kids how to be creative in the most natural way.

2. I teach parents how to buy safe non-toxic earth-friendly art supplies.

recycled crayons,

3. My family recycles square block crayons out of old loved crayons and makes new beautiful Colour Blocks, first sustainable crayon company that funds free art for kids all over the West Coast.

4. My company created the very first non-toxic acrylic 3 primary paint for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, paints

5. I teach earth-friendly art classes all over the West Coast.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, teach

6. I sell on my website the most highest quality non-toxic art supplies just for kids at

7. I’m the author of the first natural art method for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, books teach

books teach Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids

8. I blog about earth-friendly art weekly at


When you buy and take our classes you are being earth-friendly and helping us educate the World!

Nature of Art For Kids is commented 100% to sustainability in the arts for kids.

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids

Happy Earth Day, Everyday!

Earth Day & Nature of Art For Kids, preschool


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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher and author of several art education books for children. Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons for thousands of children. She is founder of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School, an Earth-friendly non-toxic paint manufacturer, and founder of Colour Blocks™–the original square block recycled crayon company—and Art Kids Zone venues across the West Coast.

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book with advice

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally

Paperback $29.00

ebook PDF $15.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books and author

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book how to

New Book! Kids Painting

Paperback $25.00

ebook Kindle $9.99

ebook PDF $9.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

New Book! Clay Play

ebook Kindle $2.99

ebook PDF $2.99

Paperback $24.99

African Mask Craft Project| Kids

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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, where you can shop for online products

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

Kids Watercolor Crayon Project Fun & Easy

Kids Watercolor Crayon Project Fun Easy

Kids Watercolor Crayon Project Fun & Easy

Water-Soluble Crayons

watercolor crayons for kids

Watercolor Crayons Are So Much Fun!

By Spramani Elaun

I love teaching kids how to use this medium in my art classes.

Recently I travel to Philadelphia for a conference and demonstrated how to use some art supplies to close to 4,000 teachers. Watercolor crayons was the top five most popular product teachers loved.

I demonstrated to k-6 teachers just how easy and fun watercolor crayons could be and how to spark-up art projects using these awesome crayons.

watercolor crayon lesson for children

watercolor crayon

What is a watercolor crayon?

A watercolor crayon looks just like a regular wax crayon but does something magical kids are amazed by, turns into watercolor paint.

Watercolor crayons are a water-soluble product that dissolves when water is washed over them, unlike a regular crayon.

Easy for kids to use because the wax and pigments are soft and glides smoothly over paper surfaces without hard pressure.

These crayons have high pigment concentration which is bright and brilliant similar to an oil pastel.

Watercolor crayons are manufactured with a special binder that allows pigments to dissolve and break down when water comes into contact.

After being washed over with water the bright pigments become transparent similar to watercolor paint.

Pigments become luminous and see through.

Selected brands are safe for kids to use and also come certified non-toxic.

kids learning how to use watercolor crayonswatercolor crayon lessonsKids Watercolor Crayon Project Fun Easy

Why I love introducing watercolor crayons to kids!

Young kids love to doodle and draw with these special crayons because it’s not difficult to learn to use them.

Kids can jump right into doodling and drawing just like they do with regular crayons.

Doodling with watercolor crayons is easy.

All kids love painting, so using this medium is exciting knowing painting will come next after making simple doodle marks.

Almost all ages can do this, I’ve introduced this idea to very young doodlers.

Painting with watercolor crayons is easy to set-up and manage the mess.

Watercolor crayons are typically half the length of a normal pencil and easy to hold.

Children with hand disabilities also find them easy to use.

Kids draw with a watercolor crayon just like a pencil or regular crayon.

It’s easy to lay down lots of color because these types of crayons are soft and tips are broad.

Easy as 1,2,3 doodle, wet and paint!

Watercolor Crayons Easy for kids to use!

watercolor crayons how to use

Art Teacher Painting Advice

In my experience teaching young children how to watercolor paint takes long to learn and master.

Working with watercolor crayons has helped me give young children confidence to try watercolor type paint projects.

Here’s why: 

Every child is familiar with doodling and drawing and has had plenty of experience doing this with a regular crayon or pencil.

Kids can also quickly make a recognizable images easy with a watercolor crayon.

Making images with a paintbrush alone is not as easy.

It takes time to teach painting skills to young children.

When a child doodles with a watercolor crayon then applies a wet paintbrush it becomes easy to understand watercolor painting ideas.

It’s easy for kids to doodle a picture quickly from their imagination with a crayon, but difficult with a paintbrush without lots of experience.

Watercolor painting takes years to fully master, but painting with watercolor crayons can help children learn skills quicker with good practice.

In my painting classes some kids will give up and get frustrated with watercolor paints because it’s hard to make clear images at first.

Introducing this medium has been a wonderful way to introduce watercolor painting techniques.

When older kids get more advance and want fine lines then I recommend transitioning to watercolor pencils, which have a finer tip and give more precision.

Setting-up a watercolor crayon painting station 

What you will need:

• Watercolor Crayons – safe non-toxic

• Watercolor paper

• Paint Brushes – small to medium size

• Water – in a cup, jar or artist palette

• Napkins

Tip: I recommend peeling off labels on watercolor crayons. I usually also cut them in half so more students can use them at the same time.

Order Watercolor Crayons & Supplies Here!

what are watercolor crayons order

Moon & Twinkle Stars 

Here is some fun images to make.

This mix-media wax resist moon and stars was made with both watercolor crayons and plain crayons.

I made twinkle stars with a plain white crayon, then the moon with a plain yellow crayon, last I colored the whole image over with a black watercolor crayon, then painted over with water brush strokes.

what is a watercolor crayon

Cooling Star

how to use watercolor crayons

ice-cubeswatercolor crayon painting projects for kids

Here’s a new project I made up called the cooling star!

Combining science and art to teach kids about stars cooling in the sky.

Use ice cubes instead of a paint brush, however you can still do this with a paint brush if ice cubes are not an option.

Using ice cubes helps kids understand stars are cooling and have a life cycle.

I made doodle twinkle stars with a yellow, orange and a red watercolor crayon, then used dark blue around the star to represent the sky.

We turned our twinkly star image into a watercolor painting by circling a ice cube around the cooling star.

The ice cubes finally melted and dissolved the pigments turning our image into a watercolor painting!

I love this painting made by a very young toddler!

This young student just learned how to pick up a crayon and make marks. He was a quick learner dipping a wet paint brush over his doodles and making a watercolor painting.

Try watercolor crayons, its so much fun!

Read more about how to pick paints for kids art projects here!

watercolor crayons kids

Spramani Elaun is an American art teacher and the author of Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally© 2014 and Clay Play® 2015.


All rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical

watercolor crayon art teacher

art teacher teaches kids


How to teach kids art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun

How to teach kids art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun

Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher and the author of several art education books for children.

art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun

How to teach kids art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun

Spramani Elaun expert art teacher

Visual Art Teaching Methodology

Whichever education philosophy you choose for your child, this visual art method will align perfectly, based on the fact this is not an art method focused on the views and values of any educational system. This method is solely based on how children evolve artistically and inquire fine art skill mastery as they develop through childhood. This can be compared to early childhood education and how all children go through the same process of development. This natural art method aligns with a young child’s growth path, working innately with how they explore, process, and discover drawing, painting, sculpting, and constructing all 2-D and 3-D forms. This alignment moves from a child-led process of art-making, to conscious creating, then finally to fine art mastery. These art lessons are holistic and work with a child’s visual perception, fine motor skills, and cognitive processing, not an educational model. This natural visual art method will complement and enhance the visual art foundation of your curriculum or educational philosophies. The method works seamlessly with a parent teaching at home, in a small private group, or at a school. If you decide to move your child into a different teaching philosophy or educational system, he or she will hold the foundation of visual art skills with them on that journey. Until now there has never been a child art method that complements how children grow. This natural art method does.

How to teach kids art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun


I am a Montessori teacher-educator and mother to two homeschooled children. I met Spramani Elaun last March at the American Montessori Society Annual Conference in Dallas and purchased her book and some of her art materials. Since then I have been immensely inspired by her method as it is aligned with the Montessori principles. I have been applying it with both of my kids at home and have seen such a success! Nurturing Children in the Visuals Arts Naturally is not just a book, it is an inspiring teacher’s guide for homeschool or the classroom.

Heidy Simon

visual art teacher for children Spramani Elaun

Hi, I’m Spramani Elaun, working mom and earth-friendly art teacher behind Nature of Art For Kids®. I’m a Creative Art Director turned homeschooling mommy and an art teacher turned author. I founded my own art school and art supply company all in a very natural way. Because of my unique experience and proven art method for children, I share these ideas in my new books and at quality art supply sales.


This book is the new “must have” resource for teachers and parents alike. I hope Ms. Elaun has many more books in the works. Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally gives the visual arts their proper due as an antidote to what ails our children in this age of focus on “teaching to the test.” Even in these times of high tech and low touch, communication is connection and hands-on learning is essential for proper human development. This book will teach you just how to encourage this full potential via the visual arts. This brilliant book should grace the shelves of every school and home library as a timeless resource for positive child development.

Marga Schneider-Munoz, MD, MPH


A well thought out and needed book written by an artist, art teacher, entrepreneur, and homeschooling mom with many years of experience nurturing children in the arts. Both of my girls have enjoyed Spramani’s art classes and collaborative community projects over the years. In this book, she shares her knowledge and experience through many years of being around and teaching children of all ages to learn art naturally, at their pace and interest level. This method flows so naturally, especially for my homeschooled kids. The book outlines not only the “whys” of why it’s good to nurture children in the arts with her methods, but includes some wonderful examples as well. She’s put a lot of thought, research, and time into creating this book to help others facilitate this method of learning art naturally for their families. I really enjoyed the book and wish it much success. Also, my girls and I love her paint products and love knowing that they are safe!

Mandy Sicard – unschooling mom


how teachers can teach young kids visual arts book and guide

Visual Art Teaching books by art teacher for kids Spramani Elaun


What’s the Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally book all about?

A proven visual art method book for young children, this book is devoted entirely to children and their relationship to the visual arts. Parents, teachers, and caregivers interested in nurturing visual arts will be better prepared to do so by reading this book.

  • Understand how children develop art skills
  • The latest up-to-date exciting link to visual perception & art skills
  • Detailed seven principles guide
  • Age recommendation phase guide

How to teach kids art method and training book, author Spramani Elaun

Art teacher takes the latest science and applies it to visual arts!

teaching kids visual art classes and method


Book requires a highlighter, exceptional 7 Principals & 3 Growth Phases To Art Learning

Visual Art Teaching Methodology, Kids Book Author – Spramani Elaun


 Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons for thousands of children. She is founder of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School, an Earth-friendly non-toxic paint manufacturer, and founder of Colour Blocks™ – the original square block recycled crayon company — & Kids Zone venues across the West Coast.

Nature of Art For Kids, eco kids art, teacher Spramani Elaun

Book Excerpts:

Chapter 19.

Identifying Creative Mode Artwork Vs. Copy Mode Artwork

“The reason child-led art projects have been successful is that they nurture and complement the child’s range of best abilities. Child-led art projects support each individual student’s creative imagination, but allow a child to skill-build. I explain in Part Two how to nurture these ideas through visual art projects in a child’s young developing years.”

Spramani Elaun

Visual Art Teaching Methodology, Kids Book Author – Spramani Elaun How to teach

Chapter 10.


“This nurturing visual art method is supported by seven holistic principles, three phases of development, and three important component skill parts. The principles have been divided into seven parts (see illustration A1). Consider these seven principle parts of one whole; the principles represent seven parts to nurturing a holistic child in the visual arts. The principles are the road map to why this alternative art method makes sense.”

Spramani Elaun

Visual Art Teaching Methodology, homeschool book

Part 1. Journey to Discovery

Opening Page

To a young child, exploring through play is simply natural. Children collect knowledge and gain a sense of their physical world through their senses of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing. The excitement a child experiences while dipping a brush in paint and creating strokes of color is a curious mixture of the senses! Visual art exploration is a natural way for children to explore and learn and it can come in many forms: doodling, painting, color, sculpting, crafting, and many other visual art forms.

Many books have been written on the subject of teaching visual arts to children, which use traditional fine art to facilitate lessons. This is not that type of book. Here, I offer a new way of teaching visual arts. This new way of thinking will open your eyes to a child’s natural creative abilities. The Nature of Art For Kids® Methodology and proven method is based on these ideas: 1) Freely allowing a child to use intuitive thinking while making art, 2) Allowing ideas and creative expression to develop with abilities appropriate to each child’s developmental stage, 3) Not disturbing the curious evolution a child undergoes while exploring, and 4) Not burdening a child with adult ideology about how to be creative.

Part one of this book will take you through the journey of how I came to the conclusion young children should learn visual arts naturally, and part two will explain why and how to nurture visual arts.

How to teach kids art method and training bookWhy should visual arts be part of a young child’s life?

Making art is a natural way to communicate. Emotions can be expressed during the process of making art or in the final message in artwork. From a beginning idea to a completed art project, the process is good for a child to experience. Visual Arts is a great way to explore a child’s creativity. Our physical earth and daily life are a bounty of colors and light, and art is a great way to explore color. Art making provides limitless color and form. Making art is a great way for a child to develop fine motor skills. Visual Arts can bridge a child to the natural world. Visual Arts in a young child’s life can be positive for healthy growth.

Join Spramani’s email list, keep undated on her books and new releases!

Peek inside the contents!


Part 1. Journey to Discovery

Chapter 1. Introductions: Who I am & Why The Book

Chapter 2. My Observations Lead To Method

Chapter 3. Child, Visual Arts & Artist, Three Special Terms You Must Know!

Chapter 4. Fine Art Instruction: Where It Came From & Why We Teach This Way

Chapter 5. Fine Art All Wrong For Kids: Nurturing Method Emerges

Chapter 6. Experts, Non Experts Today On childhood Visual Art Learning

Chapter 7. Elex’s Drawing Story

Chapter 8. Elex’s Story Brings: Revelations, Discoveries to Natural Patterns

Chapter 9. Elex’s Story Identifying Creative Mode Artwork vs. Copy Mode Artwork

Part 2. Freeing The Imagination

Chapter 10. Methodology, Principals, Phases & Parts To The Method

Chapter 11. Cognitive “Mind/Brain” & Fine Motor Growth

Chapter 12. Visual Perception, Connecting visual growth to how we learn to draw

Chapter 13. Nurture The Naturalistic Child

Chapter 14. The 3 C’s Curiosity, Creativity & Child-Led

Chapter 15. 3 Phases of Development

Chapter 16. Buying Art Supplies

Chapter 17. Art Supply Safety & Non-Toxic Truths

Chapter 18. Colour Theory

Chapter 19. Art Therapy, Art Helps Children Communicate Simpler

Chapter 20. Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children

Chapter 21. Art Topics

Chapter 22. The End Of The Rainbow, Conclusion

Buy Book Now!

Amazon best book for teaching kids art

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Amazon ebooks teaching kids visual art education

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Ordering more than three books for your school? Or book club?

Email with the quantity and we will give you an educator’s discount on ordering.


Paperback Book

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally©

ISBN 978-0-9916264-0-3

The most up-to-date information on children learning visual arts!


All rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical  articles and reviews.

ebook art teacher and author spramani Elaun

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays ideas for kids classroom

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays

by Spramani Elaun

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays spramani elaun author art educator
Spramani visiting kids art museum in Seattle

Happy Holiday Folks!

Chilly cooler weather is a great reason to bundle up and head outdoors.

Leaves are falling, birds are preparing for winter, and wonderful changes are happening.

Natures beautiful autumn change is a perfect spring-board  to inspire arts and crafts for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Collecting natural materials on walks or trail hikes can lead to some beautiful projects.

In this holiday blog I want to give you some quick tips for gathering art supplies and materials for projects kids love doing during Thanksgiving time.

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays thanksgiving place cards
Thanksgiving cards blog post, how to make, read blog here:

Easy Holiday Preparation

Some light preparations will get kids excited to sit down and get creative.

Traditionally each season I rotate supplies in my art studios and home to stimulate creativity.

For fall, autumn and thanksgiving I pull out stuff like knitting yarn, natural wool, felt and sewing kits.

I also include earthy natural objects like fallen leaves, twigs, rocks and dried fruit in these baskets.

Books celebrating thanksgiving, autumn and fall how-to-books come out for inspiration.

I place baskets with all this stuff near my families favorite nesting areas around our house.

thanksgiving holiday kids crafts acton, fall autumn ideas
paper acorn craft

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays kids classroom painting

Gathering Holiday Supplies Together

If you plan ahead for simple to complex projects for your home and holiday travels will help kids be successful in making cool projects.

Include earthy objects

  • fallen leaves
  • twigs
  • rocks
  • dried fruit
  • small scraps of wood

Thanksgiving art and craft projects ideas for kids
crafts with twigs, read blog here:

Include basics

  • glue
  • scissors
  • natural twine
  • yarn
  • sewing supplies
  • felt
  • fabric scraps
  • pencils
  • pencil sharpner

Arts & Crafts Children Love Include Artsy Supplies

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays items I found on my beach walk for arts and crafts
I found all these on my walk on the beach I plan to make fun arts and crafts with.

Making holiday decorations is so much for kids!

Ask kids to help make decorations for the holidays, they love this!

Decorations can be simple natural collections from outdoors.

Display collected items in a nice bowl, arrange on a mantle or home entrance way.

Kids love exploring while on a mission to collect beautiful leaves, twigs, dried fruit, rocks or sea shells.

painting ideas fall leaves decorations
painting ideas fall leaves decorations from:
Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays pumpkin
Pumpkin Painting Project, read blog here:

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays, nature walk

Thanksgiving art and craft projects ideas for kids painting

36 Art & Craft Ideas

Enjoy the season!

Arts & Crafts Children Love Doing During the Holidays, make gods eye out of natural sticks and yarn
make gods eye with twigs

Pumpkin Painting with kids, click here!

Mix paint into warm autumn colors lesson, click here!

How to pick paints for kids art projects, click here!

Spramani Elaun is an American Art Teacher and author of Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally ©

Follow her blog at


UnknownAll rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Learn more about her new book, click here!

Arts & Crafts Children Holidays
Cute pumpkin ideas from Martha Stewart web pages.

My daughter at age 14.

Buy earth-friendly art supplies!

Autumn nature inspired art and craft ideas for kids classroom, Art Teacher Spramani ElaunFRB1SM-01-main-180x119


Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects 20150423_153321

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

By Spramani Elaun

My favorite autumn art activity to do with my  students is personalizing a beautiful natural pumpkin with paint.

This project is a great alternative to carving pumpkins with a knife which can be a difficult process for kids.

Listed below are instructions for best paint for pumpkins.

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects


Pumpkin Paint Prep

Choose any size pumpkin you want to paint.

Pick  pumpkins with no blemishes to keep from rotting for the holidays.

Clean pumpkin gently with soap and water.

Let pumpkin air-dry or wipe down with dry cloth before painting.

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Prepare a space to paint pumpkin

Prepare a space were you can get messy without worrying about paint spreading.

It’s much easier to paint pumpkin at eye level on a table or sturdy flat surface.

Use a drop cloth or recycled old newsprint to work on top of.

Everyone working in this area will get messy so you and kids should dress in clothes that can get messy.

Best paint for pumpkin

Pumpkin Painting Supplies 

Clothes to get messy in, artist smock or apron cover-up.

Small paint brushes for little pumpkins and large brushes for the bigger pumpkins.

Water jar for washing brushes and easy clean-up.

Napkins or rags for paint brush and paint spills.

I love to have baby wipes handy for quick clean-ups. Baby wipes clean all paints off skin even acrylic.

Palette to hold paints, paper plates work great and so do egg cartons.

pumpkin painting kids

Kids non-toxic acrylics will work best and last long on pumpkins

I suggest using fall type colors like green, white, red, orange, yellow, brown and purple which all stand out great on a pumpkin.

* Note I recommend you leave black paint out of young children’s paint palettes. The smallest amount of black will turn all colors gray. Your child’s pumpkins will still look wonderful without black paint.

Squeeze out only a quarter size of paint to start with, and add more paint as you go to manage mess.

I recommended young kids only use non-toxic water-based type paints like: mineral paints, milk paint, acrylic paint or tempera paint.

acrylic paints for pumpkin painting safe non toxic

If you are showing kids how to paint a pumpkin, demonstrate simple strokes first so they can get a good idea how to paint a pumpkin.

Kids love painting pumpkins!

Try to let kids have fun painting without adding complicated instructions.

Pumpkins will look great no matter how they dry.

cute halloween bat paint pumpkin designspider pumpkin painting kidsHalloween pumpkin painting ideas brown owl

Pumpkin Art Ideas

Paint cute eyes over your child’s work once it’s done.

Use black so it stands out from all their wonderful colors.

Glue goggly eyes on pumpkin when it’s completely dry.

Use recycle scraps to make fun facial features.

Attach raw veggies from garden to make funny faces.

Paint fun Halloween pictures on your pumpkin!

Purple – Dracula, monsters or bats

Green – witches, goblins or aliens

White – ghosts



spiders, bats,

Silver – robots, aliens, Brown – bears, owls, fox


pumpkin paints acrylic safe


Buy safe pumpkin paints, click here!

Buy safe pumpkin paints, click here!

How to pick paints for kids art projects, click here!

Spramani Elaun is an American earth-friendly art teacher and the author of: “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” ©

Read more of Spramani’s blogs here!

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

UnknownAll rights reserved ©,

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Learn more about teaching Spramani Elaun’s new book, click here!

teach kids visual art book, painting


Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project

Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids ProjectEasy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project

Author Spramani Elaun

“Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally”

Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project

Easy Painting For Kids

Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project


Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project


4 part framework – art method

Watercolor paint over crayon wax can make art appear magical.

Crayon wax resist painting

This project surprises children every time water repels.

Any type of wax will repel water.

The safest and inexpensive wax for children to use is a crayon.

 Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids ProjectEasy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids ProjectEasy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids ProjectEasy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project


1.  Collect Kids Painting Materials

• White crayons of any kind

• Watercolor

• Watercolor paper

• Paint brush – wide

• Paint palette

• Water jar

• Napkins


All types of crayons can work for this project, I used white a beeswax Colour Blocks™ in our demonstration.

Use only non-toxic watercolor paints for children.

Use watercolor paper that can absorb lots of water.

A large wide paint brush works best for this project, sponges can also work too.

A painters palette or egg carton will hold paints for dipping.

Water jar is for dipping brush when more water is needed to wash watercolor over paper or brush clean-up

Napkins or wipes for paint bush clean-up or messy hands.


Watercolor Wax Resist Paper Prep

I usually start off with a large piece of watercolor paper and trim down into quarter sizes.

For children exploring watercolor painting the paper shouldn’t be large.

After a child has mastered this technique and request a larger format, then I give them a larger piece of watercolor paper.

My main reasons is both earth-friendly and to be cost efficient.

I usually work in very small paper formats when using watercolor.


Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project

2. Set the Environment

• A space to get messy

• Good lighting

• Flat work-station

• Materials

• Artist Smock or clothes that can get messy

It’s important to have a place children can get messy and can withstand spills. Good lighting is best for children to see colors mix. Be sure table and chairs are at the level of the child. Materials should be easy for children to reach during project making.


Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids ProjectEasy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Projecteasy paint project for kids

3.  Child-led & Adjustable for all ages

Project can be achieved by many skill levels and easily adjusted. Best for toddler to middle aged children. (Read more about this in my new book)


Fish Shape

For this project I chose to go with a fish cut out shape.

I cut fish shapes small and large out of watercolor paper.

Very young children may not fully understand wax resist concepts like older students so I chose this fun shape to help.

The fish shape excites young children who may be learning to paint for the first time.

Regardless of the outcome it’s still a fun shape a young child can be very proud of and recognize.

This project can easily transition into a child-led project and have many outcomes that are very creative making child feel like an artist.

Allow older children to cut their own shapes if they desire.

Plain square paper is still just as fun and entertaining for children to explore crayon resist painting.

Tip: You can also make all the wax marks ahead of time and have young children just paint to see what appears. I call this beeswax surprise painting.

You can doodle fun secret messages that revels after they paint, like their name or the alphabet.

An easy way to cut shapes out is to print one of these shapes and resize using a copy machine.

Print out one copy and trim fish. Use trimmed fish shape as a template you can trace onto watercolor paper.

You can also void these steps and freehand trim out fish shapes.

wax resist fish project for kids paintingfish art for kids

Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project easy painting for montessori art

4. Exploration & Time

The most important part of this project is allowing children time to explore paint, colors, tactile sensations and completed work by their own hands.

Older children will learn how wax repels water and fun science concepts.

Older students also exposed to mix-media by using crayon and paint on the same project.

Mature students usually try different shapes other than a fish.

The best time duration  for this project s 30 minutes, older students can usually go past 40 minutes to an 1 hour.

The common process you can expect for these ages is:

Children 15 months – 6 years will learn to dip into paint, learn to make a brush strokes, play in palettes and mix, swish water around in jars, learn to spread paint over fish and delight in the process.

Most areas on fish will not be covered completely. Children also commonly use their hands to paints and explore.

Covering art or table with paint is common for young children and normal.

Children 6 – 9 years old will be surprised to see wax repel paint and want to try it over and over until they understand what’s happening.

Children at theses ages can plan designs with crayon and see their ideas appear.

These ages quickly learn how to use materials and don’t need to be guided in the process of making.

One or two demonstrations is only necessary.

Children 10 – 15 years old will enjoy the mix-media aspect of this project and create many versions.

Students at this level will spend careful time planning designs and mixing colors.

These student can work longer durations independently.


Doodle with a wax crayons, watercolor over marks and watch wax repel watercolor paint!


All rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical  articles and reviews.


Other Crayon Resist project ideas:

Egg dying

Book covers


Mix-Media Collages


Check out another fun project: Making sharks out of paper rolls project

easy painting projects for children pK

Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project

Buy all the supplies here today!



Ready friendly comes in three sizes 4 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz

Comes in three primary colors Red, Yellow & Blue which mixes into secondary colors perfectly!


Easy Painting with Crayon Wax Resist | Kids Project


Three (8.oz) Ready Friendly Watercolor bottles



painting watercolor finger paint for children


Three (4.oz) Ready Friendly Watercolor bottles, Starter Kit


Order safe non-toxic handcrafted crayons for wax resist here! $14.00


Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up


By Spramani

Beautiful Friday Here in Southern California in February!

I can’t believe how quickly we are moving through winter and soon onto spring.

Here’s a fun recap of things we worked on and posted in my February art classes and events.

We had so much going on for Nature of Art For Kids® natural art classes.

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

I launched free art programing at the Encinitas Library, which is fully funded by the wonderful crayon donations to Colour Block Recycled Crayon Program! 

*NEW! Children’s Art Workshop: Visual art exploration just for kids, beginning to intermediate level.  Join us for local artist art teacher Spramani Elauns’ classes on the  patio every Monday.  Library Calendar!


We shared our favorite products for February 

Kids Craft Artist’s Palette for Paint Projects, My favorite things, Click Here!

Here I show you my favorite palette I use for young kids art classes and how perfect it works for my natural art method and color theory teaching classes.

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

Valentines potato stamping was one of the most popular posts of the month!

Learn how to teaching kids how to make potato paintings by using a typical potato from the pantry.

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

We posted some great non-toxic advice, Click Here! 

Here we gave you some great tips and advice for kids working with non toxic paints and art supplies.

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

We shared practical advise how to manage paint messes with little kids, Click Here!

Here I shared how to mange a paint mess with those little artist, which I’m expert at!

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

 Fun News for this natural art teacher!

I got captured with my pals on the San Marcos Art Council for an up-coming magazine article featuring our amazing art council team! 92078 Magazine

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

Shared some fun earth-friendly art ideas like painting recycled cardboard for Earth Day coming up!

Painting on cardboard is so eco!

Kids Art Lessons | Natural Teacher Favorite February Wrap-up

That’s February’s Wrap-up!

Stay tuned for more informative blogs about teaching young kids visual arts. 

Follow my blog post daily at and Subscribe!

Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher and the author of Nurturing Children in the Visual Arts Naturally©


Review Amazon 5 start book here and buy!



Buy quality paints and art supplies for kids here, Shop Now!

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Art teacher takes the latest science and applies to visual arts!

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Inspiring Teaching Art Method


Parent Testimonials

“I am a Montessori teacher educator and mother to two homeschool children. I met Spramani Elaun last March at the American Montessori Society Annual conference in Dallas and purchased her book, and some of her art materials. Since then I have been immensely inspired by her method as it is aligned with the Montessori principles. I have been applying it with both of my kids at home and have seen such a success! “Nurturing Children in the Visuals Arts Naturally” is not just a book is an inspiring teacher’s guide for homeschool or the classroom.”

Heidy Simmons

“Nurturing Children in the Visual Arts Naturally truly opens up the science of art and art acquisition in the child, a topic I have rarely heard mention of. This book is very thorough and gives a compelling ‘why’ for the ‘how’ of Sprumani’s method. Would recommend! We also love her paints!?

Kellie Z


Official Vendor for the 2013 International Montessori Congress

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Official Vendor for American Montessori Society


Visual Arts For Montessori

Excerpts from book: “Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally © 2014”

Why should visual arts be part of a young child’s life? Making art is a natural way to communicate. Emotions can be expressed during the process of making art or the final message in artwork. From a beginning idea to a completed art project, the process is good for a child to experience. Visual Arts is a great way to explore a child’s creativity. Our physical earth and daily life is a bounty of colors and light, art is a great way to explore color. Art making provides limitless color and form. Making art is a great way a child can develop fine motor skills. Visual Arts can bridge a child to the natural world. Visual Arts in a young child’s life can be positive for healthy growth. All Rights Reserved ©

By Spramani Elaun

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

By JLee Williams,

Montessorian mother of three

“If we try to think back to the dim and distant past… what is it that helps us reconstruct those times, and to picture the lives of those who lived in them? It is their art… It is thanks to the hand, the companion of the mind, that civilization has arisen.” –

– Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Maria Montessori’s teachings have resounded deeply with many teachers, parents and students worldwide. As a scientist and doctor her remarkable observations tap into the same wisdom Nature of Art for Kids® taps into, the innate wisdom of each child, given the right tools and a prepared environment to lead and sculpt his own knowledge and path, to unfold perfectly. This likeness is no coincidence as Spramani Elaun, the creator and founder of Nature of Art for Kids® also spent countless hours observing children, creating a relaxed yet structured environment for them to open and explore, nurturing them naturally with visual art as her tool.

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

One of Montessori’s crucial findings also paralleled in Elaun’s method; there are two streams of energy in a child, physical energy and mental energy. The process of uniting these energies results in the child constructing knowledge, which occurs when a child becomes concentrates in a relaxed and focused manner. Montessori named this “Normalization.”

This principle finding is the key to true success for a child: achieving the state of mind in which the child feels when fully engaged, the feeling of accomplishment from the actual doing rather than the finished product, the true joy of learning. It is this special place, where a child is in a relaxed focused state and engaged on a field of imagination and sensory learning  where Nature of Art for Kids® also lives absorbed in work and fully. Elaun peeled away the layers to uncover hidden truths about how to nurture and allow the child’s natural ability to grow and communicate through art. Nature of Art for Kids® develops Montessori’s fine arts education principles deeper because its founder and creator, Spramani Elaun is an Artist. Through hours of observation and having a heart centered and child led philosophy Elaun uncovered a better way to nurture and allow the young artist to unfold. She has developed this into an instructional method she offers for those interested in art education!

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

In Nature of Art for Kids® we prepare the child’s environment for artistic expression using material from the natural world, recycled and upcycled goods. Elaun’s hand crafted technique embraces that artistic expression with her own brand of recycled crayon Colour Blocks™ as well as our own line of non-toxic Acrylic and Ready Friendly Watercolors. Elaun’s education and passion is rooted in the development of the child through visual arts and her discoveries shed light and broaden the original educational span Montessori laid out for the fine arts. Elaun’s method is so complementary to the Montessori way that it is a natural progression for Montessori teachers and schools to enrich their programs, and the enjoyment of the children they work with, by incorporating Nature of Art for Kids®.

Montessori, M. (1967) The absorbent mind. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

What’s “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” book all about?


The most up-to-date information on how children evolve into creative artistic children. Spramani explains chapter by chapter how to nurture visual arts and why it’s a much healthier way children naturally learn art skills. This book connects the most fascinating facts:

• Visual Perception

• Cognitive Brain Developement

• Fine Motor Skills Explains the most up-to-date information how children learn to draw and paint and how you can nurture this naturally yourself.


Book requires a highlighter, exceptional 7 Principals & 3 Growth Phases To Art Learning

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method

Buy Method book now!

Book Sold at these Montessori Conferences:

IMC, International Montessori Congress Conference 2013, Portland Oregon

AMS, American Montessori Society Conference 2014, Dallas Texas

ADMMF,  Andrew & Dora Mc Ghee Montessori Foundation, Barry University Campus, Miami Florida

Book Discussion and WorkShop

UMC, Utah Montessori Council Conference, Westminster College, Salt Lake City 2015


Art method book ideal for Montessori Art

Montessori Art methods for preschool


Free Art Supply Catalog 2014 Spring – Summer Form

Read more about this book here!

teaching Montessori teachers how kids paint and draw

Author: Spramani Elaun New Book! “Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts© 


NEW BOOK RELEASE! Buy book today!



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Official Art Vendor:

American Montessori Society

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Montessori children preschool

how to teach visual art to Montessori children


Teacher Training ideal for Montessori Art Available

Montessori art teacher training


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Art Supplies For Montessori Classroom

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Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method
Clay Play, Spramani Elaun


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Learn about great Montessori crayons for the classroom:



Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

This book will help you understand how children learn visual arts all the way to the teen years. This is a natural method guide you can follow easily. Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher with a unique prove method. Spramani has worked with tens of thousands of children making artworks! This book is it’s first of its kind and the most up-to-date book on how children grow as artist and how you can nurture it.

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages


Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Designer + mommy + homeschooler + art teacher + art supplier turned author

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

This book is great for preschool teachers, parents, homeschool parents, daycares, charter schools, public and private schools.

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

The most up-to-date information on children learn visual arts!

Free Book Excerpts:

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally©

Part 1. Journey to Discovery
Opening Page

To a young child, exploring through play is simply natural. Children collect knowledge and gain a sense of their physical world through their senses of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing. The excitement a child experiences while dipping a brush in paint and creating strokes of colour is a curious mixture of the senses! Visual art exploration is a natural way for children to explore and learn and it can come in many forms: doodling, painting, colour, sculpting, crafting, and many other visual art forms.

Many books have been written on the subject of teaching visual arts to children, which use traditional fine art to facilitate lessons. This s not that type of book. Here, I offer a new way of teaching visual arts. This new way of thinking will open your eyes to a child’s natural creative abilities. The Nature of Art For Kids® Methodology and proven method is based on these ideas: 1) Freely allowing a child to use intuitive thinking while making art, 2) Allowing ideas and creative expression to develop with abilities appropriate to each child’s developmental stage, 3) Not disturbing the curious evolution a child undergoes while exploring, and 4) Not burdening a child with adult ideology about how to be creative.

Spramani Elaun


All rights reserved © Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critica

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Read Amazon 5 star review here!

Learn More About Book, Click Here

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Read Spramani’s daily blog here, Subscribe today!


Shop for high quality art supplies for kids, click here!

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages



Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

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Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

By Spramani ELaun


Many children today suffer from stress and anxiety.

I would like to suggest playing with clay as an alternative to helping a child with stress.

Scheduling time to play with clay at least once a week can lead to beneficial stress relief.

As parent or caregiver you can provide lots of other helpful aids in managing stress; better nutrition, adequate sleep, less anxiety-provoking situations, positive assuring words and more simple time to relax and just be a kid.

In my art classes I’ve witnessed positive results from children exploring clay in a playful manner which always leads to relaxation.

Most of my art activities like clay play is multi-sensory engaging and helps children relax and play calmly.

It’s common knowledge unstructured simple play is healthy for young children developing.

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

Why is playing with clay a calming or relaxing activity?

Book Excerpts from Clay Play© 2015 All rights reserved.

Why is playing with clay a calming or relaxing activity? Because touching clay induces stimulating neural input from most of our sensory senses. When a young child starts touching, forming, or modeling, it’s considered active learning. Playing with clay stimulates tactile input, visual pathways communicate with both left and right hemispheres of the brain, and auditory and smell sensory systems are also collecting information. Playing with clay causes a high visual-auditory connectivity in the brain. Strong connectivity occurs and the child becomes intensely focused on his handwork. Children using their hands can be so engaged that other stress related thoughts clear their minds. The electrical activity stimulated in the brain becomes a different type of action, firing connections and allowing children to focus on their handwork only. A calming effect takes place because cognitive processing is occurring while forming or manipulating clay. It’s good for children during their sensitive periods to develop good habits and activities that can help early in life to regulate relaxation by creative handwork. Playing with Clay can relieve stress for kids.

Order the book Clay Play©2015 Now!

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

“A child playing with clay can be transformed into a relaxed meditative state!”

 Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

Any type of clay can work!

Many types of clay are available for this type of exploring.

Only use non-toxic child grade products.

You can use any type of clay, in fact you should allow children to try all different types of clay at some point in time.

You can also make quick easy modeling dough from simple kitchen ingredients.

Clay can be non-hardeningair-hardening or baked to harden.

Natural modeling beeswax can also be used for clay play forming.

You can order these types of clay online or find them in most craft and art supply store.

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

What should children make with clay?

To promote relaxation you should allow the child to explore their hand work with minimal instruction.

Keep this time to relaxing and child-led creating. Simple projects can be guided by making forms like rolling ball or snake coil shapes as a starting point.

Visit our blog archives or Pinterest pages for clay play ideas.

Order Clay Play  a new book by Spramani Elaun for clay playing ideas and materials list.

Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory

Read other articles: Sensory Tactile Art For Kids:


Spramani Elaun is an American earth-friendly art teacher and the author of: “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally”  ©


All rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical  articles and reviews.



Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensorybuynow



Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensorybuynow




Clay playing for kids can relieve stress | Modeling | Sensory