Category Archives: Nurturing Art

Talking to kids about art

Talking to Kids About Art

Talking to Kids About Art, how to

Talking to kids about art

By Spramani Elaun

Free book excerpts from Kids Painting© Book:

When kids share their art with you, it’s important you remember they are young and just starting out painting, drawing or making crafts.

Many hours of practice needs to take place for artworks to look recognizable to parents.

Talking to children About Art

I recommend you listen first without asking questions about what their artworks are.

Listening first helps kids feel confident.

If you first listen then kids can talk about what’s on their mind and try to describe their creations.

 A parent or teacher who  listens first is very supportive and won’t make a child feel judged on their artistic skills.

Talking to Kids About Art, support nurturing

Kids Art Talk

How to talk to kids about art, parents , advice

A common mistakes teachers and parents make is asking children too many questions about what they created.

Another common mistake parents and teachers try to analyze their art like an art critic.

How to talk to kids about art, parenting and families

Most artworks made by young kids, remember, are experimental, and led by curious ideas or just simple play.

You won’t stump your child’s creativity or artistic skills by not asking artful smart questions.

Kids Art Talk, how to, best way

Supportive nurturing talks can sound like this, “I like your work, do you want to share with me what you created?”

After the child has explained all they can about their work, ask if they want to save, showcase, or maybe give it away to someone special.


All rights reserved ©, Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in

the case of brief quotations embodied in critical  articles and reviews.

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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher and author of several art education books for children. Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons for thousands of children. She is founder of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School, an Earth-friendly non-toxic paint manufacturer, and founder of Colour Blocks™–the original square block recycled crayon company—and Art Kids Zone venues across the West Coast.

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book with advice

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally

Paperback $29.00

ebook PDF $15.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, books and author

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, book how to

New Book! Kids Painting

Paperback $25.00

ebook Kindle $9.99

ebook PDF $9.99

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

New Book! Clay Play

ebook Kindle $2.99

ebook PDF $2.99

Paperback $24.99

African Mask Craft Project| Kids

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Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies, where you can shop for online products

Help kids paint and draw better with quality art supplies

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects 20150423_153321

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

By Spramani Elaun

My favorite autumn art activity to do with my  students is personalizing a beautiful natural pumpkin with paint.

This project is a great alternative to carving pumpkins with a knife which can be a difficult process for kids.

Listed below are instructions for best paint for pumpkins.

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects


Pumpkin Paint Prep

Choose any size pumpkin you want to paint.

Pick  pumpkins with no blemishes to keep from rotting for the holidays.

Clean pumpkin gently with soap and water.

Let pumpkin air-dry or wipe down with dry cloth before painting.

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

Prepare a space to paint pumpkin

Prepare a space were you can get messy without worrying about paint spreading.

It’s much easier to paint pumpkin at eye level on a table or sturdy flat surface.

Use a drop cloth or recycled old newsprint to work on top of.

Everyone working in this area will get messy so you and kids should dress in clothes that can get messy.

Best paint for pumpkin

Pumpkin Painting Supplies 

Clothes to get messy in, artist smock or apron cover-up.

Small paint brushes for little pumpkins and large brushes for the bigger pumpkins.

Water jar for washing brushes and easy clean-up.

Napkins or rags for paint brush and paint spills.

I love to have baby wipes handy for quick clean-ups. Baby wipes clean all paints off skin even acrylic.

Palette to hold paints, paper plates work great and so do egg cartons.

pumpkin painting kids

Kids non-toxic acrylics will work best and last long on pumpkins

I suggest using fall type colors like green, white, red, orange, yellow, brown and purple which all stand out great on a pumpkin.

* Note I recommend you leave black paint out of young children’s paint palettes. The smallest amount of black will turn all colors gray. Your child’s pumpkins will still look wonderful without black paint.

Squeeze out only a quarter size of paint to start with, and add more paint as you go to manage mess.

I recommended young kids only use non-toxic water-based type paints like: mineral paints, milk paint, acrylic paint or tempera paint.

acrylic paints for pumpkin painting safe non toxic

If you are showing kids how to paint a pumpkin, demonstrate simple strokes first so they can get a good idea how to paint a pumpkin.

Kids love painting pumpkins!

Try to let kids have fun painting without adding complicated instructions.

Pumpkins will look great no matter how they dry.

cute halloween bat paint pumpkin designspider pumpkin painting kidsHalloween pumpkin painting ideas brown owl

Pumpkin Art Ideas

Paint cute eyes over your child’s work once it’s done.

Use black so it stands out from all their wonderful colors.

Glue goggly eyes on pumpkin when it’s completely dry.

Use recycle scraps to make fun facial features.

Attach raw veggies from garden to make funny faces.

Paint fun Halloween pictures on your pumpkin!

Purple – Dracula, monsters or bats

Green – witches, goblins or aliens

White – ghosts



spiders, bats,

Silver – robots, aliens, Brown – bears, owls, fox


pumpkin paints acrylic safe


Buy safe pumpkin paints, click here!

Buy safe pumpkin paints, click here!

How to pick paints for kids art projects, click here!

Spramani Elaun is an American earth-friendly art teacher and the author of: “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” ©

Read more of Spramani’s blogs here!

Best paint for pumpkin painting projects, kids DYI projects

UnknownAll rights reserved ©,

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Learn more about teaching Spramani Elaun’s new book, click here!

teach kids visual art book, painting


Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

This book will help you understand how children learn visual arts all the way to the teen years. This is a natural method guide you can follow easily. Spramani Elaun is an American natural art teacher with a unique prove method. Spramani has worked with tens of thousands of children making artworks! This book is it’s first of its kind and the most up-to-date book on how children grow as artist and how you can nurture it.

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages


Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Designer + mommy + homeschooler + art teacher + art supplier turned author

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

This book is great for preschool teachers, parents, homeschool parents, daycares, charter schools, public and private schools.

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

The most up-to-date information on children learn visual arts!

Free Book Excerpts:

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally©

Part 1. Journey to Discovery
Opening Page

To a young child, exploring through play is simply natural. Children collect knowledge and gain a sense of their physical world through their senses of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing. The excitement a child experiences while dipping a brush in paint and creating strokes of colour is a curious mixture of the senses! Visual art exploration is a natural way for children to explore and learn and it can come in many forms: doodling, painting, colour, sculpting, crafting, and many other visual art forms.

Many books have been written on the subject of teaching visual arts to children, which use traditional fine art to facilitate lessons. This s not that type of book. Here, I offer a new way of teaching visual arts. This new way of thinking will open your eyes to a child’s natural creative abilities. The Nature of Art For Kids® Methodology and proven method is based on these ideas: 1) Freely allowing a child to use intuitive thinking while making art, 2) Allowing ideas and creative expression to develop with abilities appropriate to each child’s developmental stage, 3) Not disturbing the curious evolution a child undergoes while exploring, and 4) Not burdening a child with adult ideology about how to be creative.

Spramani Elaun


All rights reserved © Nature of Art For Kids®

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critica

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Read Amazon 5 star review here!

Learn More About Book, Click Here

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages

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Children Visual Arts | Book how to nurture painting and drawing kids all ages



How teach visual art to young children | Preschool | Book

Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally ©

How teach visual art to young children | Preschool  books for teaching     

Hi, I’m Spramani Elaun working mom and earth-friendly art teacher behind Nature of Art For Kids®. Creative Art Director turned homeschooling mommy/art teacher turned author. I founded my own art school and art supply company all in a very natural way. Because of my unique experience and proven natural art method for children I share these ideas in my new books and quality earth-friendly art supply sales.

How teach visual art to young children | Preschool | Book


Paperback book $44.99 with Free Shipping

 How teach art Preschool | Book

The most up-to-date information on children learning visual arts!

 Check book review or buy on:


Proven visual art method for young children. This book is devoted entirely to children and their relationship to the visual arts. Parents, teachers and caregivers interested in nurturing visual arts will be better prepared to do so by reading this book.
• Understand how children develop art skills
• Exciting link to visual perception & art skills
• 7 principles guide
• Art project framework planning
• Free website links to blogs, art projects & art supply reviews
• Age recommendation phase guide
Spramani Elaun has nurtured visual art lessons to thousands of children. She is founder of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School, Earth-friendly Non-toxic paint manufacture, Colour Blocks™ – The original square block recycled crayon company & Kids Zone venues across the West Coast.

How teach visual art to young children | Preschool | Book


Book Excerpts:

Part 1. Journey to Discovery

Opening Page

To a young child, exploring through play is simply natural. Children collect knowledge and gain a sense of their physical world through their senses of seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing. The excitement a child experiences while dipping a brush in paint and creating strokes of colour is a curious mixture of the senses! Visual art exploration is a natural way for children to explore and learn and it can come in many forms: doodling, painting, colour, sculpting, crafting, and many other visual art forms.

Many books have been written on the subject of teaching visual arts to children, which use traditional fine art to facilitate lessons. This s not that type of book. Here, I offer a new way of teaching visual arts. This new way of thinking will open your eyes to a child’s natural creative abilities. The Nature of Art For Kids® Methodology and proven method is based on these ideas: 1) Freely allowing a child to use intuitive thinking while making art, 2) Allowing ideas and creative expression to develop with abilities appropriate to each child’s developmental stage, 3) Not disturbing the curious evolution a child undergoes while exploring, and 4) Not burdening a child with adult ideology about how to be creative.

how kids learn artUnknown

Part one of this book will take you through the journey how I came to the conclusion young children should learn visual arts naturally, part two will explain why and how to nurture visual arts.

Why should visual arts be part of a young child’s life? Making art is a natural way to communicate. Emotions can be expressed during the process of making art or the final message in artwork. From a beginning idea to a completed art project, the process is good for a child to experience. Visual Arts is a great way to explore a child’s creativity. Our physical earth and daily life is a bounty of colorus and light, art is a great way to explore colour. Art making provides limitless colour and form. Making art is a great way a child can develop fine motor skills. Visual Arts can bridge a child to the natural world. Visual Arts in a young child’s life can be positive for healthy growth.


$22.99 Download eBook Now!

How teach visual art to young children | Preschool | Book ebook

What each chapter looks like:

Part 1. Journey to Discovery

Chapter 1. Introductions: Who I am & Why The Book

Chapter 2. My Observations Lead To Method

Chapter 3. Child, Visual Arts & Artist, Three Special Terms You Must Know!

Chapter 4. Fine Art Instruction: Where It Came From & Why We Teach This Way

Chapter 5. Fine Art All Wrong For Kids: Nurturing Method Emerges

Chapter 6. Experts, Non Experts Today On childhood Visual Art Learning

Chapter 7. Elex’s Drawing Story

Chapter 8. Elex’s Story Brings: Revelations, Discoveries to Natural Patterns

Chapter 9. Elex’s Story Identifying Creative Mode Artwork vs. Copy Mode Artwork

Part 2. Freeing The Imagination

Chapter 10. Methodology, Principals, Phases & Parts To The Method

Chapter 11. Cognitive “Mind/Brain” & Fine Motor Growth

Chapter 12. Visual Perception, Connecting visual growth to how we learn to draw

Chapter 13. Nurture The Naturalistic Child

Chapter 14. The 3 C’s Curiosity, Creativity & Child-Led

Chapter 15. 3 Phases of Development

Chapter 16. Buying Art Supplies

Chapter 17. Art Supply Safety & Non-Toxic Truths

Chapter 18. Colour Theory

Chapter 19. Art Therapy, Art Helps Children Communicate Simpler

Chapter 20. Digital Multi-Media Arts For Children

Chapter 21. Art Topics

Chapter 22. The End Of The Rainbow, Conclusion


All rights reserved © 2014 Nature of Art For Kids

No part of this blog may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical  articles and reviews.




Child art expert Spramani Elaun

homeschool mom, owner of Nature of Art For Kids® Art School & founder of the first ever non-toxic three primary acrylic paint company has written all about her daily observations teaching her highly successful art method and why it works!


The most up-to-date information on how children evolve into creative artistic children. Spramani explains chapter by chapter how to nurture visual arts and why it’s a much healthier way children naturally learn art skills.

This book connects the most fascinating facts:

• Visual Perception

• Cognitive Brain Developement

• Fine Motor Skills 

Explains the most up-to-date information how children learn to draw and paint and how you can nurture this naturally yourself.


How teach visual art to young children | Preschool | Painting

How teach visual art to young children Books

eBook C.D. $22.99 Free Shipping

Flash Drive eBook Free Shipping $22.99


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