Art teacher takes the latest science and applies to visual arts!

Montessori Art Education | Art Expert Teaching Method
Inspiring Teaching Art Method
Parent Testimonials
“I am a Montessori teacher educator and mother to two homeschool children. I met Spramani Elaun last March at the American Montessori Society Annual conference in Dallas and purchased her book, and some of her art materials. Since then I have been immensely inspired by her method as it is aligned with the Montessori principles. I have been applying it with both of my kids at home and have seen such a success! “Nurturing Children in the Visuals Arts Naturally” is not just a book is an inspiring teacher’s guide for homeschool or the classroom.”
Heidy Simmons
“Nurturing Children in the Visual Arts Naturally truly opens up the science of art and art acquisition in the child, a topic I have rarely heard mention of. This book is very thorough and gives a compelling ‘why’ for the ‘how’ of Sprumani’s method. Would recommend! We also love her paints!?
Kellie Z

Official Vendor for the 2013 International Montessori Congress

Official Vendor for American Montessori Society
Visual Arts For Montessori
Excerpts from book: “Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally © 2014”
Why should visual arts be part of a young child’s life? Making art is a natural way to communicate. Emotions can be expressed during the process of making art or the final message in artwork. From a beginning idea to a completed art project, the process is good for a child to experience. Visual Arts is a great way to explore a child’s creativity. Our physical earth and daily life is a bounty of colors and light, art is a great way to explore color. Art making provides limitless color and form. Making art is a great way a child can develop fine motor skills. Visual Arts can bridge a child to the natural world. Visual Arts in a young child’s life can be positive for healthy growth. All Rights Reserved ©
By Spramani Elaun

By JLee Williams,
Montessorian mother of three
“If we try to think back to the dim and distant past… what is it that helps us reconstruct those times, and to picture the lives of those who lived in them? It is their art… It is thanks to the hand, the companion of the mind, that civilization has arisen.” –
– Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind

Maria Montessori’s teachings have resounded deeply with many teachers, parents and students worldwide. As a scientist and doctor her remarkable observations tap into the same wisdom Nature of Art for Kids® taps into, the innate wisdom of each child, given the right tools and a prepared environment to lead and sculpt his own knowledge and path, to unfold perfectly. This likeness is no coincidence as Spramani Elaun, the creator and founder of Nature of Art for Kids® also spent countless hours observing children, creating a relaxed yet structured environment for them to open and explore, nurturing them naturally with visual art as her tool.

One of Montessori’s crucial findings also paralleled in Elaun’s method; there are two streams of energy in a child, physical energy and mental energy. The process of uniting these energies results in the child constructing knowledge, which occurs when a child becomes concentrates in a relaxed and focused manner. Montessori named this “Normalization.”
This principle finding is the key to true success for a child: achieving the state of mind in which the child feels when fully engaged, the feeling of accomplishment from the actual doing rather than the finished product, the true joy of learning. It is this special place, where a child is in a relaxed focused state and engaged on a field of imagination and sensory learning where Nature of Art for Kids® also lives absorbed in work and fully. Elaun peeled away the layers to uncover hidden truths about how to nurture and allow the child’s natural ability to grow and communicate through art. Nature of Art for Kids® develops Montessori’s fine arts education principles deeper because its founder and creator, Spramani Elaun is an Artist. Through hours of observation and having a heart centered and child led philosophy Elaun uncovered a better way to nurture and allow the young artist to unfold. She has developed this into an instructional method she offers for those interested in art education!

In Nature of Art for Kids® we prepare the child’s environment for artistic expression using material from the natural world, recycled and upcycled goods. Elaun’s hand crafted technique embraces that artistic expression with her own brand of recycled crayon Colour Blocks™ as well as our own line of non-toxic Acrylic and Ready Friendly Watercolors. Elaun’s education and passion is rooted in the development of the child through visual arts and her discoveries shed light and broaden the original educational span Montessori laid out for the fine arts. Elaun’s method is so complementary to the Montessori way that it is a natural progression for Montessori teachers and schools to enrich their programs, and the enjoyment of the children they work with, by incorporating Nature of Art for Kids®.
Montessori, M. (1967) The absorbent mind. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

What’s “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally” book all about?
The most up-to-date information on how children evolve into creative artistic children. Spramani explains chapter by chapter how to nurture visual arts and why it’s a much healthier way children naturally learn art skills. This book connects the most fascinating facts:
• Visual Perception
• Cognitive Brain Developement
• Fine Motor Skills Explains the most up-to-date information how children learn to draw and paint and how you can nurture this naturally yourself.
Book requires a highlighter, exceptional 7 Principals & 3 Growth Phases To Art Learning

Book Sold at these Montessori Conferences:
IMC, International Montessori Congress Conference 2013, Portland Oregon
AMS, American Montessori Society Conference 2014, Dallas Texas
ADMMF, Andrew & Dora Mc Ghee Montessori Foundation, Barry University Campus, Miami Florida
Book Discussion and WorkShop
UMC, Utah Montessori Council Conference, Westminster College, Salt Lake City 2015

Free Art Supply Catalog 2014 Spring – Summer Form
Read more about this book here!

Author: Spramani Elaun New Book! “Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts©
Blog & articles ideal for Montessori Art
Official Art Vendor:
American Montessori Society

- Clay Play, Spramani Elaun
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