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Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects

Kids Acrylic Paint

Comes in 4 sizes

4 oz 

8 oz

16 oz

32 oz

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects

Comes in 3 primary mixing colors, plus black and white






3 primary colors mix perfect color wheel.

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects safe non toxic

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects, children's

$22.00 Starter Set

Buy starter set five 4oz bottles, free shipping within U.S.

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects mixing paint


$33.99 Kit

Includes 4oz bottles of 5 colors, three kids high quality paint brushes, artist mixing palette, child size smock, plus free shipping within the U.S.

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects mixing colors

Buy all 5 colors in different sizes:

Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects

4 oz $22.95

8 oz $32.99

16 oz $44.99

32 oz $120.00

acrylic paint for kids art projects safe and art classes

Kids can paint:




Watercolor Paper


Almost any surface.


Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects

U.S. Made

by mom art teacher, Spramani Elaun

Safe, non-toxic

Paint not washable! 

This paint is made to stick to a canvas.



Acrylic is considered fine artist paint and is traditionally used on a canvas. Acrylic is my favorite all purpose paint to use with most painting projects with kids. Even though it’s traditionally used on canvas, you can apply acrylic to just about any type of surface like wood, rocks, paper, fabric, glass, plastic, and Styrofoam. Acrylic paints are ideal for teaching advanced color theory because the proper primary colors are available in acrylic.

Spramani Elaun

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Kids Acrylic Paint | Art Projects order box kit

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